Chestnut Park Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.
We have a Safeguarding Policy and procedures in place which can be viewed on our website. All staff (including supply staff, volunteers and governors) must ensure that they are aware of these procedures.
Sometimes, we may have to share information and work in partnership with other agencies when there are concerns about a child's welfare. We will ensure that our concerns about a pupil are discussed with the child's parents/carers first, unless we have reason to believe that such a move would be contrary to the child's welfare.
If you are concerned about a child's welfare, please record any observations or conversations that you may have heard and report them to one of our safeguarding leads as soon as possible. Do NOT conduct your own investigation.
If your concerns relate to the actions or behaviour of a member of staff (which would suggest that he or she is unsuitable to work with children) then you should report this to one of the safeguarding leads in confidence. If the concern relates to the Headteacher, you should report it to the Chair of Governors, Dr Anna Simmonds, who will consider what action should be taken.
- Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)- Mrs S Rumbol & Mrs R Jacob
- Deputy DSL (DDSL) , Mrs S Surya, Mrs L Coppin and Mrs K Coyne
- DDSL for After School Club- Mrs A Van Ufflen
- Additional trained DDSL - Mrs Jay Chandrasekaran (Teacher), Miss R Poonian (AHT) Mr T Penny (AHT), Miss C Ried (Behaviour Lead) and Mrs E Kirkpatrick (Operations Manager)
LADO: Steve Hall - 0208 255 2889
SPOC/MASH Contact Centre: 0208 726 6464
In addition to the Safeguarding Curriculum published in the links below, we ensure a range of visitors and events enhance this provision. For example, in 2018-2018 this has included; NSPCC talks for children, a whole school Safeguarding Week and information event for parents, National On Line Safety day, NSPCC and O2 information sessions for parents and whole class First Aid training.
Safer Holding and Reasonable Force At Chestnut Park in relation to safeguarding children and staff.
The majority of staff are trained in Safer Holding at Chestnut Park. All members of school staff have a legal power to use reasonable force (Use of reasonable force, DfE July 2013).
‘Reasonable force’ includes a broad range of actions that includes physical contact with pupils, usually to control/ prevent harm. A professional judgement is made as to when to use it. ‘Reasonable’ means no more force than is needed. ‘Control’ means, for example, blocking a pupil’s path. ‘Preventing harm’ means, to stop a child endangering themselves or others.
Prevent Strategy
What is the Prevent Strategy?
Prevent is a government strategy designed to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorist or extremist causes.
The Prevent strategy covers all types of terrorism and extremism.
This is an important government website that provide advice and information about protecting children from extremism and radicalisation. - Educate Against Hate –
How does the Prevent strategy apply to schools?
All schools have a duty to safeguard children from radicalisation and extremism.
This means we have a responsibility to protect children from extremist and violent views the same way we protect them from drugs or gang violence.
The Prevent strategy is not just about discussing extremism itself, which may not be appropriate for younger children. However, it is about teaching children values such as tolerance and mutual respect.
Importantly, we can provide a safe place for pupils to discuss any issues so they better understand how to protect themselves.
Our school's Prevent Lead is Mrs Rumbol, should you need to contact anyone about concerns you may have about safeguarding around extremism and radicalisation
Positive Handling (Physical Intervention)
At Chestnut Park we acknowledge that staff must only ever use physical intervention as a last resort, when a child is endangering themselves or others. At all times it must be the minimal force necessary to prevent injury (See GLF Physical Intervention Policy). Only staff who have been appropriately training will use physical intervention techniques. All incidents resulting in physical intervention being used are recorded. Parents will always be informed where physical intervention has been used as a last resort on their child.
Physical Intervention trained staff are:
- Mrs L Coppin
- Miss R Poonian
- Miss C Reid
First Aid
All of our staff have basic first aid training and can administer basic first aid. Our specifically trained first aiders have had more in depth training to support specific first aid needs in addition to the basic first aid that can be administered by all staff.
First Aid at Work qualified staff:
Mrs Kirkpatrick - Operations Manager
Miss Poonian - AHT
Miss Foan-SEN
Ms R Khadraoui - Office staff
Paediatric First Aiders:
Mrs Kirpatrick - Operations Manager
Miss Pearce - TA
Ms Fairweather -TA
Miss Reid -TA
Mrs Shaikh-TA
Mrs Siraj - HLTA
Miss Poonian- AHT
Ms Kindalova-TA
Ms Coonee-TA
Mrs Suman Patel - Senior Office Administrator
Ms Van Uffelen - BC/ASC Manager
Mrs Chandrasekaran - EYFS Class Teacher
Ms R Khadraoui - Office staff
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- Safeguarding